I need to fire my current ISP provider having just typed in at least 500000 words and been kicked out without saving.
I lost the thread anyway.
The basic thread was positive restlessness.. but the thought has really left me.
I have been researching some of the Design and Engineering companies here in Sweden recently. The state of play reminds me somewhat of one of the American ( and other countries ) news story that tragically appears on an all too frequent basis. Some guy walks into a school or a shopping mall and opens fire wiping out a whole load of innocent people.
Why I thought of that I will never know but there is a synergy somehow in my weird mind at least of how the companies associated with the Swedish auto industry are dying , bodies everywhere, and as such a lot of engineers and designers are unemployed and have been for some time. The business has imploded so to speak.
A lot of cutbacks and layoffs throughout. sad but inevitable.
The contract companies have built up a huge resource without the flexibility that this business demands.
Semcon/Caran, Etteplan,Cliff Design & Models to name but a few have shed people not the hard and fast contractors who simply move on, but employees tired of the OEM's and dreaming of a better life on the other side of the green stuff.
What these companies did not tell them is that having tried to emulate the OEM's by marketing themselves as the best thing since the proverbial slice. Gods gift to the automotive business.A certain amount of arrogance has prevailed.
They simply lost the thread and its now payback time.
Unlike my friend Arthur who works for one of the afformentioned companies.
Arthur .A legend in his own lunchtime !!!!
Arthur is one of lifes weelers and dealers who can bend company rules to and often beyond breaking point....and get away with it for the sole interest of making money and keeping the customer satisfied.
The customer will receive something that he is entirely happy with and maybe not aware that he has just been shafted.
Another character who was the pioneer of of the contracting business as we know it was John Shute, sadly no longer with us.
John founded the company International Automotive Design ( IAD ) in the late 70's and built a full service design and engineering company with facilities worldwide.
Like many I will always be indebted to John and he will always have a place in my memories.
John was a "large " jovial man who looked remarkably like Henry VIII.
His secret to success became opening design studios and pulling in the engineering work as a result. John always maintained that when you were discussing engineering projects with customers you were talking to the engineering community or the buyers.
When you were selling design on the other hand you were talking to the guy that owned the company.
IAD had studios ( and I mean lots ) 2 in Germany 2 in Spain, Claifornia and Detroit and 3 in the UK.
The irony and probably little known fact ( Other than to those who worked for IAD at the time ) is that the Kia's Hyundai's, Daewoo's all started their first own branded vehicles at IAD.
Sadly in being so ambitious he took one too many risks and the company folded in 1993 as a result of another automotive bankrupcy.
The 2000 plus designers,engineers and technicians evaporated to the four corners of the earth and there is probably not an OEM that does not have an ex IAD contact. Wherever I go I meet or hear from ex IAD colleagues.
True respect.
The Swedish and European contracting industry can learn a lot from people like John and Arthur.
The business is about not being an OEM. The business is about innovation, flexibility and finding the niche that the OEM's need.
Not getting involved with middle management until the deal is done. This was Johns tactic.
The survivors and thrivers in Sweden seem to be the small companies who do not wish to become the IAD's and Semcon's. They have found their niche and probably make a tidy living thankyou.
When times do change , and they will there will be a new generation who need to do a lessons learned on why the contracting business dropped into the abbyss.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Hunting and Scandinavian Airlines
2 very strange subjects and not at all connected either to each other or to Saab which is what makes this just a little different.
First the hunting bit
I decided back at the beginning of September to take a hunting course.
Not for the love of being out there all guns blazing you understand . That is definitely not my style.Neither do I wish to blast away defenseless animals ( well not really ).......my family would never forgive me.
A couple of reasons prompted me to do this.
Firstly to get a gun licence I need to take a seven month course on nature,conservation, the land and forestry,weapon and hunting law etc. etc.
Seven heavy books that I need to study and have a trolley to carry them around.
What is worse is that I have to do this in Swedish which I find pretty hard going.
I didn't realize that there were so many birds that looked the damn same ( to me ) but with different names.
My advice would be to not let me out there with a gun as I would end up shooting everything in sight.
Back to the reasons for signing up for the course.
2 actually
I have a house about an hours drive from Trollhättan which is my paradise and one place that I can switch off from everything. At the beginning of September I arrived on a Friday evening to see that the grass which I lovingly cut sitting on my tractor while listening to Mary J Blige in my iPhone every week ( minimum ) had been ripped up.
On closer analysis ( I wont go into the details but it does come out of the rear ) we determined that we had had a visit from vildsvin ( wild pigs ).
I was so angry having spent 4 hours in the pouring rain making the repairs that this became the proverbial straw.
The second reason is a little more disturbing. Directly behind the house are several hundred hectares of mushroom forest which we take every opportunity to exploit and savour. A few weeks ago and not for the first time a neighbour was driving on the road servicing the houses in the area. Out of the forest came a wolf not 200 meters from my place. ....Yes a wolf. Now that's scary.
So yesterday evening I was for the first time training on the shooting simulator. A cool VR thingy that only confirmed how bad my shooting was. This was really a great boy toy and if it was not for the fact that it cost an amazing amount of SEK,Euros or Pounds I would buy one .........Really was cool
To the second subject Scandinavian Airlines ( SAS )
The majority shareholder of this miserably arrogant and uncompetitive airline is non other than the Swedish Government, together with the Norwegian and Danish.
Maud Olofsson held a press conference yesterday to confirm that the Swedish taxpayer would pump in a further injection of capital that had lots of 00000's after it into a company that is very reminiscent of good old General Motors.
I was speechless !!
This was the same person who has maintained for so long that it was not the Swedish Governments place to own or get involved in a private business. That the Government was not qualified to run an automotive company. It clearly is not qualified to run an airline either.!!!
If an image of Maud had been on the simulator yesterday evening instead of rabbits moose and ducks maybe my score would have been better.
OK now I feel better
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Good news is always bad news
There is always a twist to a news story in the Swedish media.
Two pieces of really good news yesterday and the press could not help themselves but to add a negative twist to both of them.
It would appear that I write very often about the press and their negative slant on SAAB.
I freely admit that it is probably the only issue that truly irritates me about this whole affair as I sit with my I love SAAB badge proudly displayed on my shirt. Corny I know but sometimes youv'e just got to do these things.
Back to the press reports.
In the report that Vic had secured a further $25 M loan from a Swiss / Dutch private investment company for whom he had worked in the 80's.Great news I thought but upon reading the article in DI 90% referred to the terms and conditions of the loan and the high interest and what would happen if it could not be repaid / refinanced.
The statement " The business is still not finalized because Vic needs to pay GM a further $24 M on the 15 July and he does not have the money "
Only the headline was positive.
Swedes have a tendancy to use the BUT word quite often
The second report was regarding the EU commisions approval of the EIB loan. An iportant milestone. DI again reported the " BUT there are still parts of the puzzel that are not in place , the EIB needs to approve the loan "
Again the BUT word comes into play.
At the weekend there was a sort of half hearted launch of the new 9-5 at the Saab Museum.
I do not mean this in any negative way. When the deal is finally done everybody will be working like crazy to do a real launch. The museum event was very much like a car showroom with a steady but high flow of people throughout the day. Much higher than in the SAAB dealer showrooms in fact.
Lots of positive critique. Lets hope that this turns into sales.
As you would imagine there are quite a high number of new 9-5's around the SAAB site in various forms from camoflaged test cars to latest production status.
I have to say the car has presence on the road.It is both dynamic and elegent at the same time unlike some of the Volvo's,Audi,s and BMW,s which tend to *wallow * when they get to this class ( particularly the Volvo S80 )
The 9-4X is also confirmed for production start at the beginning of next year.
I think that this is much needed and a pretty cool looking vehicle. Lets hope we see them in Europe competing head to head with Audi, and of course winning.
Two pieces of really good news yesterday and the press could not help themselves but to add a negative twist to both of them.
It would appear that I write very often about the press and their negative slant on SAAB.
I freely admit that it is probably the only issue that truly irritates me about this whole affair as I sit with my I love SAAB badge proudly displayed on my shirt. Corny I know but sometimes youv'e just got to do these things.
Back to the press reports.
In the report that Vic had secured a further $25 M loan from a Swiss / Dutch private investment company for whom he had worked in the 80's.Great news I thought but upon reading the article in DI 90% referred to the terms and conditions of the loan and the high interest and what would happen if it could not be repaid / refinanced.
The statement " The business is still not finalized because Vic needs to pay GM a further $24 M on the 15 July and he does not have the money "
Only the headline was positive.
Swedes have a tendancy to use the BUT word quite often
The second report was regarding the EU commisions approval of the EIB loan. An iportant milestone. DI again reported the " BUT there are still parts of the puzzel that are not in place , the EIB needs to approve the loan "
Again the BUT word comes into play.
At the weekend there was a sort of half hearted launch of the new 9-5 at the Saab Museum.
I do not mean this in any negative way. When the deal is finally done everybody will be working like crazy to do a real launch. The museum event was very much like a car showroom with a steady but high flow of people throughout the day. Much higher than in the SAAB dealer showrooms in fact.
Lots of positive critique. Lets hope that this turns into sales.
As you would imagine there are quite a high number of new 9-5's around the SAAB site in various forms from camoflaged test cars to latest production status.
I have to say the car has presence on the road.It is both dynamic and elegent at the same time unlike some of the Volvo's,Audi,s and BMW,s which tend to *wallow * when they get to this class ( particularly the Volvo S80 )
The 9-4X is also confirmed for production start at the beginning of next year.
I think that this is much needed and a pretty cool looking vehicle. Lets hope we see them in Europe competing head to head with Audi, and of course winning.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Putting money where the mouth is
During the Magna deal with GM regarding OPEL both the Unions and the Opel dealer forum planned to take a sizable stake in the new company.
The Russian banks and Magna were in the forefrunt but the unions and dealers would play a significant role AND would have clout in the running of OPEL.
What do we have with SAAB........Zip !!
Where are the unions....Nowehere to be seen
The red / green alliance....totally silent !!!
Dealers...They send cakes and good wishes.
I for one have and will buy shares in the companies that I have worked for. Not part of a an option scheme but as part of both my own personal commitment to my company and having the opportunity however small to vote on the issues I care about.
It may sound naive but it is what I believe in and nobody can take that away from me.
I would challenge the unions and the dealers and anyone else who wants to get involved for that matter to put their money where their mouth is and support SAAB/ Spyker in buying a say in the company.
I for one will be there
The Russian banks and Magna were in the forefrunt but the unions and dealers would play a significant role AND would have clout in the running of OPEL.
What do we have with SAAB........Zip !!
Where are the unions....Nowehere to be seen
The red / green alliance....totally silent !!!
Dealers...They send cakes and good wishes.
I for one have and will buy shares in the companies that I have worked for. Not part of a an option scheme but as part of both my own personal commitment to my company and having the opportunity however small to vote on the issues I care about.
It may sound naive but it is what I believe in and nobody can take that away from me.
I would challenge the unions and the dealers and anyone else who wants to get involved for that matter to put their money where their mouth is and support SAAB/ Spyker in buying a say in the company.
I for one will be there
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Who cares where the money comes from !!

My favourite profile photograph. This goes to show what the last 13 months has done.
I have used this on the odd occasion for the last 10 years and it still makes me smile. At least its better than the one on GM Peoplefinder where I look as miserable as sin which I probably am.
Not satisfied having lost the last battle over SAAB the analysts are again out in force to have one last stab at crucifying SAAB.
Having read so many news articles over the last few months, it has become crystal clear that SAAB the Swedish banks and certain investment / life insurance companies are the targets for their venom. Are they considering the public interest or are these really the targets that stir public emotions.
In the case of banks they duly have the reputation of robbing you blind which indeed they do, and pay themselves big fat bonuses in doing so !!!.
In the case of SAAB though who the hell should care. What has SAAB a small manufacturer of great cars ever done that should create the types of headlines and targeted hatred.
SAAB in the last few months has stirred enormous emotions within the faithful and has in fact created a " nuvo SAAB " following. People who had almost never heard of the quirky iconic brand. Incidently " ICONIC " is the new in word. There have been several high and mighty leaders using it in the last week particularly relating to SAAB being sold to Spyker Cars.
Turning to Victory Victors cash pile.
The press and analysts here in Sweden are " demanding " to know where Vickies cash comes from.
The government on the other hand having sent in SEPO, the FBI,KGB and not least 007 to investigate seem quite cool and satisfied......for now.
It will take just one little sh** journalist to uncover the dirt on Vicky and it will be blown wide open.
This holier than thou attitude is mind boggling and pathetic to say the least.
I for one have some ( not many ) morals but when Vicky says its private then its private, notwithstanding drugs, prostitution etc etc. are no go
Write about the banks and the fat bonuses or whatever you like but give Vicky and SAAB a chance to make this happen
Friday, 29 January 2010
That was the week that was
Here is a photograph of me ( middle )with some of my team at Saab Design 2005
I am not sure whether this was a good week or not.
There is no question that it will be one to remember.
Decision made, it was a fantastic week.
This is going to be an enormous flywheel that could be difficult to get going at first but the inertia that will be created will make it difficult to stop.
Plans B,C& D are now on ice. Sorry Trollhattan no fish & chip shop just yet. You'll just have to make do with Pizzas and kebab.
Back in 2005 GM announced that Saab Design would close and move to Russelsheim which it did in 2006.
Both my studio colleagues and I went through exactly the same agony.What were the alternatives ?? Russelsheim was not an option, A dark grey city in the middle of a country that I have never been particularly fond of living. ( My apologies but I miss the elements that makes Sweden special for me )
All possibilities were open for future career opportunities.
Within my team we discussed it almost every day.
More as a joke than anything else I got locked on two ideas.
1. A fish & chip shop - As I mentioned in an earlier blog Pizza,Pizza & Pizza is on the Trollhattan take away menu.I have a friend from my childhood whose parents had a F&C shop close to where I lived. Eventually he took over and created a chain of F&C shops and made a fortune. It was called Pete's Plaice. I could do this over the whole of Sweden and maybe compete with Ronald Macdonald. The one thing that deterred me was that I didn't fancy the idea of smelling of old frying oil.Prada and Versace are more in my line.
I will continue this story as it is connected to idea number 2
2. Idea number 2 was an internet launderette. For those who are not familiar with launderette's it is where you can do your laundry.
The concept came to mind as Trollhattan high school was become a university.
An influx of 10000 new students mostly from 18 - 22 were to descend upon the town.
The concept was to offer a cafe with internet connection where the students could sit while doing their laundry, chat,mingle,surf or whatever.
This was a sure winner as here in apartment dominated Sweden you need to book a time in the communal washing room. I figured students would find it difficult to work with this concept preferring more to " drop in "
The reason these two ideas are connected is that one of the guys who worked for me ( Erik ) was one of life's wonderful characters.I have my arm around Erik in the photograph. The whole team had hours of fun at his expense. Never cruel he enjoyed it,he felt loved and wanted which he was.
I teased him that he would be the ideal person to run my two money spinning ventures.
Erik is a jolly good natured man who can talk and laugh for Sweden. If laughing was an officially recognized sport in the Olympic games he would win gold for sure.
Erik would be the perfect front man to success.
In addition I teased him about running the launderette.
The design of the cafe would be such that it could take 20 washing and 10 drying machines. There would be a room or passage way behind the row of machines that when people put the money in it would go straight into Erik's pocket..black money.
Erik's bonus I assured him was that he would get the additional benefit of dealing with attractive young girls and their various forms of ( minute ) clothing
Pure fantasy but we had a lot of fun.
This journey has not been at all the same. Much more serious and much more concerning, but today I feel great. It is both Friday and I can put the last 13 months behind me.
This definitely was that was the week that was.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Happiness is an understatement
I took part yesterday in the welcoming home of Jan-Åke Jonsson and Victor Muller at the Saab Museum.
What an event !!
It is difficult to estimate exactly how many Saab emplyees had left their workplaces to join. It certainly appeared that the vast majority were in attendance.
We were encouraged to car share, park away from the museum in side roads and extra public transport was layed on.
The carnival atmosphere was charged with goodwill,happiness and relief.
I could here similar conversations using the same adjectives.
It was freezing cold and snow but nobody cared. This was the day that we had all been waiting for for so long.
A sound stage had been set up, a new 9-5 and a Spyker C8 were on display ( Spyker really need to do somthing about that design )
The press were in full attendance.
I am unsure whether either Jan-Åke and Victor Muller new anything about the event as they were ferried directly from " Trollhättan International Airport " having flown in directly from Stockholm.
Needless to say the standing ovation they received was overwhelming especially for Jan-Åke who had some difficulty in composing his speech. Totally understandable.
Here is a man who has really travelled the year long roller coaster.
Today starts the beginning of a new era in Saabs history. The challenge is enormous , to change the tide of public perception will not be easy
I plan to buy shares in Saab Spyker Automobile NV as the new company will be called.
Not many but enough to vote and have my say. Enough to show commitment to an independent SAAB ( Spyker )
I will order a new SAAB 9-3 SC next week and I truly hope that many many more will do the same.I will lobby the Audi BMW and Mercedes owners that I know to change to a great brand with spirit and determination. Determination enough to fight and
What an event !!
It is difficult to estimate exactly how many Saab emplyees had left their workplaces to join. It certainly appeared that the vast majority were in attendance.
We were encouraged to car share, park away from the museum in side roads and extra public transport was layed on.
The carnival atmosphere was charged with goodwill,happiness and relief.
I could here similar conversations using the same adjectives.
It was freezing cold and snow but nobody cared. This was the day that we had all been waiting for for so long.
A sound stage had been set up, a new 9-5 and a Spyker C8 were on display ( Spyker really need to do somthing about that design )
The press were in full attendance.
I am unsure whether either Jan-Åke and Victor Muller new anything about the event as they were ferried directly from " Trollhättan International Airport " having flown in directly from Stockholm.
Needless to say the standing ovation they received was overwhelming especially for Jan-Åke who had some difficulty in composing his speech. Totally understandable.
Here is a man who has really travelled the year long roller coaster.
Today starts the beginning of a new era in Saabs history. The challenge is enormous , to change the tide of public perception will not be easy
I plan to buy shares in Saab Spyker Automobile NV as the new company will be called.
Not many but enough to vote and have my say. Enough to show commitment to an independent SAAB ( Spyker )
I will order a new SAAB 9-3 SC next week and I truly hope that many many more will do the same.I will lobby the Audi BMW and Mercedes owners that I know to change to a great brand with spirit and determination. Determination enough to fight and
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Now the campaign begins
This is truly FANTASTIC news and I cannot find enough adjectives to describe how I feel.
I watched the press conference from Stockholm live and was enormously impressed with the commitment and passion of both Jan Åke and Victor Muller
I received a number of mails yesterday evening including one from the RESCUE SAAB.COM
Having heard the news this morning I was a little surprised.
The mail headline was " Saab Rescued-Mission accomplished ". I guess that I understand their message but in my book the " Mission " has only just begun.
The mission is now to turn the tide of negativity surrounding SAAB. To challenge the Swedish analysts and pundits who as was on the news this morning questioning Saab's long term viability.They gave SAAB 2-3 years at most.
What are these people like !!!!
As I mentioned in an earlier blog edition, the Swedish media have no idea how to be positive and supportive.
My son who is 10 years old is pretty smart.
At exactly 17.33 he called me on my mobile as I was on my way to a course that I am taking.
" Your job is safe you do not have to worry anymore , Saab is sold to Spyker "
I had not realized that he was even really aware of the situation we as a family were facing. Clearly I underestimated him. He had heard the discussions, he was listening to the news and in all probability understood to some extent that closing Saab whould have some impact on his life too.
The campaign begins in earnest.
To launch and develop new vehicles, move faster and more efficiently and more importantly to challenge the media.Improve the brand image and sell more Saab's.
For those supporters out there who have campaigned so hard to " SAVE SAAB " ( for which we will be eternally grateful )
Keep the nostalga in the garage and take them out on fine sunny days.
Order your new SAAB from your dealer now !!! and encourage your BMW / AUDI freinds to do the same !!! -
I watched the press conference from Stockholm live and was enormously impressed with the commitment and passion of both Jan Åke and Victor Muller
I received a number of mails yesterday evening including one from the RESCUE SAAB.COM
Having heard the news this morning I was a little surprised.
The mail headline was " Saab Rescued-Mission accomplished ". I guess that I understand their message but in my book the " Mission " has only just begun.
The mission is now to turn the tide of negativity surrounding SAAB. To challenge the Swedish analysts and pundits who as was on the news this morning questioning Saab's long term viability.They gave SAAB 2-3 years at most.
What are these people like !!!!
As I mentioned in an earlier blog edition, the Swedish media have no idea how to be positive and supportive.
My son who is 10 years old is pretty smart.
At exactly 17.33 he called me on my mobile as I was on my way to a course that I am taking.
" Your job is safe you do not have to worry anymore , Saab is sold to Spyker "
I had not realized that he was even really aware of the situation we as a family were facing. Clearly I underestimated him. He had heard the discussions, he was listening to the news and in all probability understood to some extent that closing Saab whould have some impact on his life too.
The campaign begins in earnest.
To launch and develop new vehicles, move faster and more efficiently and more importantly to challenge the media.Improve the brand image and sell more Saab's.
For those supporters out there who have campaigned so hard to " SAVE SAAB " ( for which we will be eternally grateful )
Keep the nostalga in the garage and take them out on fine sunny days.
Order your new SAAB from your dealer now !!! and encourage your BMW / AUDI freinds to do the same !!! -
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Mr. Whitacre's press conference
I left work yesterday and rushed home specifically to watch the press conference live on GMtv.I had sent the link as we are unable to view this at Saab.
Fresh coffee in place I eagerly waited for the 17.30 slot.This had to be it.
After a day of positive reports started by SVt's RAPPORT this was the news SAAB fans the world over had been waiting for.........SAAB had been sold to Spyker...........WRONG !!!
This was not the press conference subject matter at all. This was a typical back slapping what a great team GM is type of Press conference.
I have to say at this point that I am not a great fan of Mr. Whiticare, his mannerism's and his style .........then who am I to judge.
I tried to count how many times he mentioned what a great leadership team he had around him but was distracted by two of my kids and gave up at somewhere between 11 and 13.
Strangely enough a song from the musical ' EVITA' came into my head. I have no idea why but over and over again I kept thinking " oh what a circus , oh what a show ".
Circus pretty much describes this whole situation.
Over the last 2 or 3 months I have not seen my colleagues as positive as they were yesterday afternoon.....The deal was DONE !!, plans were being made, we could move forward with determination and speed.
As the afternoon progressed it became quite clear that SVt's article was far from accurate. The Swedish government very quickly came out with statements denying that they had approved the EIB loan guarantee's.......What a bummer !!!
A note to SVT
Yesterday due to sensationalism and inaccurate reporting the emotions of thousands of people once again travelled the roller coaster ride just as they thought they could get off.Pretty poor taste I would say.
Today I guess we will travel a similar journey
Fresh coffee in place I eagerly waited for the 17.30 slot.This had to be it.
After a day of positive reports started by SVt's RAPPORT this was the news SAAB fans the world over had been waiting for.........SAAB had been sold to Spyker...........WRONG !!!
This was not the press conference subject matter at all. This was a typical back slapping what a great team GM is type of Press conference.
I have to say at this point that I am not a great fan of Mr. Whiticare, his mannerism's and his style .........then who am I to judge.
I tried to count how many times he mentioned what a great leadership team he had around him but was distracted by two of my kids and gave up at somewhere between 11 and 13.
Strangely enough a song from the musical ' EVITA' came into my head. I have no idea why but over and over again I kept thinking " oh what a circus , oh what a show ".
Circus pretty much describes this whole situation.
Over the last 2 or 3 months I have not seen my colleagues as positive as they were yesterday afternoon.....The deal was DONE !!, plans were being made, we could move forward with determination and speed.
As the afternoon progressed it became quite clear that SVt's article was far from accurate. The Swedish government very quickly came out with statements denying that they had approved the EIB loan guarantee's.......What a bummer !!!
A note to SVT
Yesterday due to sensationalism and inaccurate reporting the emotions of thousands of people once again travelled the roller coaster ride just as they thought they could get off.Pretty poor taste I would say.
Today I guess we will travel a similar journey
Monday, 25 January 2010
OKSAAB Nervous beyond belief
Every news wire in Sweden is reprorting that the deal is DONE.
I feel butterflies in my stomach I am so nervous
Is it really true ????????????
Press conferences at 14.30 today by the Swedish Government and what is the betting that GM hold one at the same time ( not announced yet )
I think the whole company must have every news wire open. I currently have 7
Got important things to do
Come back later
I feel butterflies in my stomach I am so nervous
Is it really true ????????????
Press conferences at 14.30 today by the Swedish Government and what is the betting that GM hold one at the same time ( not announced yet )
I think the whole company must have every news wire open. I currently have 7
Got important things to do
Come back later
The SAAB Community and a great weekend
At first glance the titles are not linked but indeed odly enough they are.
First to the weekend which as I mentioned on Friday was my birthday weekend .
My wife had farmed out the kids and the dogs ( 3 of each ) and took me to a surprise spa weekend atVarberg a resort on the south west Swedish coast.
( Thankyou Lena it was wonderful !! )
I can most definately recommend it.
A couple of very relaxing treatments later combined with saunas, etc. great food and drink ( you know the type of thing ) I returned home having not read a newspaper looked at TV or logged into mail.
I was news-less and totally relaxed.
It was not only the spa treatment but the resolute refusal to think or worry about SAAB and the future.
Naturally as soon as I returned hope on went the computer scanning for the latest ...........Shame on me !!
That takes me to the " SAAB Community "
I logged into mail both private and SAAB's and was absolutly astounded that I had received birthday greetings both from old freinds and past colleagues but also people who I had never met and am not likely to. An enormous amount. For which I am extremely apreciative.
Thankyou very much indeed.
The reason that I highlighted this is that the main thread in the greetings were " fingers crossed " and " good luck "
Was the meaning fingers crossed and good luck that I would survive my birthday.
Of course not it was for SAAB, that the iconic brand itself had created a common cause ..a community.........The SAAB community.......My Community
News this morning is so positive that the champagne is getting colder. Lets wait and see shall we.
Rumour has it that a Spyker car was spotted at the museum yesterday.
Both Spyker and GM are in Stockholm.
Today I am going to keep my fingers crossed and figure out the subject matter for the next blog. Clearly it can be nothing to do with saving SAAB.......If the deal goes through.
First to the weekend which as I mentioned on Friday was my birthday weekend .
My wife had farmed out the kids and the dogs ( 3 of each ) and took me to a surprise spa weekend atVarberg a resort on the south west Swedish coast.
( Thankyou Lena it was wonderful !! )
I can most definately recommend it.
A couple of very relaxing treatments later combined with saunas, etc. great food and drink ( you know the type of thing ) I returned home having not read a newspaper looked at TV or logged into mail.
I was news-less and totally relaxed.
It was not only the spa treatment but the resolute refusal to think or worry about SAAB and the future.
Naturally as soon as I returned hope on went the computer scanning for the latest ...........Shame on me !!
That takes me to the " SAAB Community "
I logged into mail both private and SAAB's and was absolutly astounded that I had received birthday greetings both from old freinds and past colleagues but also people who I had never met and am not likely to. An enormous amount. For which I am extremely apreciative.
Thankyou very much indeed.
The reason that I highlighted this is that the main thread in the greetings were " fingers crossed " and " good luck "
Was the meaning fingers crossed and good luck that I would survive my birthday.
Of course not it was for SAAB, that the iconic brand itself had created a common cause ..a community.........The SAAB community.......My Community
News this morning is so positive that the champagne is getting colder. Lets wait and see shall we.
Rumour has it that a Spyker car was spotted at the museum yesterday.
Both Spyker and GM are in Stockholm.
Today I am going to keep my fingers crossed and figure out the subject matter for the next blog. Clearly it can be nothing to do with saving SAAB.......If the deal goes through.
Friday, 22 January 2010
Showing the money was obviously not that easy
When Mr. Whitacre gave the cast off remark at the Detroit show it all sounded so easy
" show us the money ". Did he mean the $1 or the $450 million. ???
It does not neccessarily matter as two weeks on there is still no deal.
I for one am quite hopeful that the delay is a good sign. As SWADE said this morning " Treading Water " that is all we can do
I am certain that I can tread a while longer having achieved bronze, silver and gold awards for treading water as a kid.
Most people believe rightly or wrongly that there will be a positive outcome for SAAB.The silence the amount of time that the silence is taking is positive.
What other conclusion is there ?
The liquidation team is in place , the gun is loaded but no shot fired.
It is my birthday on Sunday and I need to be on top form.
I will put everything on hold for the coming days and pick up the thread again very early on Monday morning
" show us the money ". Did he mean the $1 or the $450 million. ???
It does not neccessarily matter as two weeks on there is still no deal.
I for one am quite hopeful that the delay is a good sign. As SWADE said this morning " Treading Water " that is all we can do
I am certain that I can tread a while longer having achieved bronze, silver and gold awards for treading water as a kid.
Most people believe rightly or wrongly that there will be a positive outcome for SAAB.The silence the amount of time that the silence is taking is positive.
What other conclusion is there ?
The liquidation team is in place , the gun is loaded but no shot fired.
It is my birthday on Sunday and I need to be on top form.
I will put everything on hold for the coming days and pick up the thread again very early on Monday morning
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Genii still at the table ?
If I read the article published yesterday by Lars Carlström I would have to say that his comments are not consistent with a company still in negotiations with GM.
Purely my speculation however I do not believe that I have EVER read a more open criticism of the Swedish Press, Government and further open comments regarding GM's accounting practices contributing to Saab's losses over the years.
He goes further to heavily point the finger of responsibility for Saab's bad press at the pundits,analysts and press in general.
It saddens me to say that I have found this to be the case in Sweden.
Saab has ALWAYS received negative press when compared to VOLVO and I have absolutely no idea why this should be the case.
A similar analogy can be made between Stockholm and Gothenburg. Stockholmers do not give a damn if the auto industry dies or gets flat packed and shipped to China....Because they are not affected. That is the same with SAAB. If the guy down the road is not DIRECTLY affected he does not give a damn. On the contrary he will post a comment on an article WILLING that SAAB will be closed.
I know that I have mentioned this before but it would NOT happen in Spain,France Germany,Italy or even Belgium for that matter.
It would however happen in the UK where the auto industry has been decimated due to poor management and disastrous political decisions over the years.
Incidentally in the 1920'2 - 1930's in Coventry which was the heart of the UK auto industry there were 86 separate vehicle manufacturers.
An article in Dagens Industry www.di.se this morning highlighted that the Vovo / Ford / Geely negotiations were not as far along the road as had been claimed by all parties.There seemed to be serious concerns over IP's and control. Fundamentals in my book. It will be interesting to see how that one unfolds.
Hummer is as quiet as SAAB - and has been for some time while awaiting Chinese state approval.
When buying a house you do not go out agree the deal,sign the contract and put down the deposit without talking to the bank. Why should the auto industry be any different ??
Enough said.
One day at a time and still optimistic I have the news feeds on standby
And by the way well done Lars Carlström.
Purely my speculation however I do not believe that I have EVER read a more open criticism of the Swedish Press, Government and further open comments regarding GM's accounting practices contributing to Saab's losses over the years.
He goes further to heavily point the finger of responsibility for Saab's bad press at the pundits,analysts and press in general.
It saddens me to say that I have found this to be the case in Sweden.
Saab has ALWAYS received negative press when compared to VOLVO and I have absolutely no idea why this should be the case.
A similar analogy can be made between Stockholm and Gothenburg. Stockholmers do not give a damn if the auto industry dies or gets flat packed and shipped to China....Because they are not affected. That is the same with SAAB. If the guy down the road is not DIRECTLY affected he does not give a damn. On the contrary he will post a comment on an article WILLING that SAAB will be closed.
I know that I have mentioned this before but it would NOT happen in Spain,France Germany,Italy or even Belgium for that matter.
It would however happen in the UK where the auto industry has been decimated due to poor management and disastrous political decisions over the years.
Incidentally in the 1920'2 - 1930's in Coventry which was the heart of the UK auto industry there were 86 separate vehicle manufacturers.
An article in Dagens Industry www.di.se this morning highlighted that the Vovo / Ford / Geely negotiations were not as far along the road as had been claimed by all parties.There seemed to be serious concerns over IP's and control. Fundamentals in my book. It will be interesting to see how that one unfolds.
Hummer is as quiet as SAAB - and has been for some time while awaiting Chinese state approval.
When buying a house you do not go out agree the deal,sign the contract and put down the deposit without talking to the bank. Why should the auto industry be any different ??
Enough said.
One day at a time and still optimistic I have the news feeds on standby
And by the way well done Lars Carlström.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
OK SAAB's Dream
I woke up this morning having dreamt about my OKSAAB blog.
To you guys I am sure you are thinking " so what "
For me remembering a dream has tremendous significance as only twice has this happened before. I wont go into the details as one was not the best outcome and the other well.....thats embarrassing !!
Only to say that on both occasions that following day was eventful.
Back to my dream.
I awoke having dreamt that the OKSAAB blog had become hugely successful,that in fact it was so successful it had been sindicated around the world. Advertizers clamoured to get space space on the OKSAAB blog.
SAAB was the "IN WORD " trendy and got to have.
The URL http://OKSAAB.blogspot.com appeared everywhere in emails and on the net.
500000 hits a day and both my own and Saabs future was secure !!!!
What is the significance and what events are about to unfold ?.........Damned if I know but it made me very happy I know that !!!!
Yesterday I chatted ( via messenger with an ex team mate from OPEL
I refer to him as ex because in the last year we have both separated and divorced.
3 years ago when I joined my current organization we were going into the GM Global world.
A huge programme management system was develeped specifically to run our part of the business.
Going global meant that as a global team we could effectively manage global programmes simultainiously in Korea, Australia,Europe and North America.
Global teams,Global decision boards,Global forums were put into place.
Metrics were regional and global.
It may sound too much and there were elements and processes I would have done differently, but it actually worked !!!
I had European responsibility which meant my team was both in Opel and Saab at the same time resulting in extensive travel. I enjoyed it and miss it.
Miss the colleagues and the multinational aspect.
Our delivery on time was as good as it gets and we were empowered and accountable with given boundries.
The process was so successful that it was wound down.
Our boss in North America decided to retire.
The system was shut down and we went from global to regional and now back to SAAB.
One message was loud and clear in my chat with my ex.
Its no easier right now for the guys at OPEL. Moral is low
What OPEL have to their advantage are 4 very key factors
- GM need a volume car manufacturer in Europe to stay in the global game
- A strong leader in Nick Reilly - That is NOT to say that JAJ is not a strong leader only that he has a track record of saving GM's arse in Korea.
- Strong unions that WILL stand and fight yet make the right concessions
- Finaly a strong goverment nationally and regionally that puts hard cash on the table to keep their auto industry alive.
As we know OPEL is not the strongest brand name in Germany .
SAAB on the other hand has the brand name but misses the other 4 elements. It has passion and passionate followers that OPEL or indeed any other manufacturer that I know of will never have.
Back to my dream
Remembering my dream has made me very upbeat. So much so that I changed the blogs name to simply OKSAAB as the previous title sounded so negative.
I am going to go to bed quite early tonight ( unless news breaks today ) and see if I can dream some more.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
The convoy seems to be making some news around the world.
What with yesterdays "after convoys " there have been around 40 in total.
There is very little other news. Saab has dropped off the news wires again and not surprisingly considering everything else that is going on.
Stephen Taylor the appointed liquidator has not called in the unions yet.
Are the Spyker / Genii negotiations really getting serious ?
I try not to be optimistic but even that is difficult.
There is so much plan B stuff swirling around in my head right now it is difficult ( as for most ) to stay focused, but focus we must and the plan today is to run the regular weekly project review meeting. As we have had engineers on CAD courses , sick etc it will be good to get everyone back together and get moving again.
Stimulation as opposed to living in a vacume.
Plan B - an interesting question. what could it be.
As with a turbine my mind tends to spin at high revs throwing out different ideas and then crossing them off the list. Its an interesting way of keeping active.
There are no limits to what I think of for the future state - very open thinking which is something I like.
Last week I was out on the net looking at businesses for sale here in Sweden.
There did not seem to be the right opportunity but an amazing amount of Pizzarias.
Trollhättan incidentely has the highest Pizzaria rate per capita in Sweden. - A useless piece of information.
Fish and chip shops on the other hand....Zero.........Now there's an opportunity
What with yesterdays "after convoys " there have been around 40 in total.
There is very little other news. Saab has dropped off the news wires again and not surprisingly considering everything else that is going on.
Stephen Taylor the appointed liquidator has not called in the unions yet.
Are the Spyker / Genii negotiations really getting serious ?
I try not to be optimistic but even that is difficult.
There is so much plan B stuff swirling around in my head right now it is difficult ( as for most ) to stay focused, but focus we must and the plan today is to run the regular weekly project review meeting. As we have had engineers on CAD courses , sick etc it will be good to get everyone back together and get moving again.
Stimulation as opposed to living in a vacume.
Plan B - an interesting question. what could it be.
As with a turbine my mind tends to spin at high revs throwing out different ideas and then crossing them off the list. Its an interesting way of keeping active.
There are no limits to what I think of for the future state - very open thinking which is something I like.
Last week I was out on the net looking at businesses for sale here in Sweden.
There did not seem to be the right opportunity but an amazing amount of Pizzarias.
Trollhättan incidentely has the highest Pizzaria rate per capita in Sweden. - A useless piece of information.
Fish and chip shops on the other hand....Zero.........Now there's an opportunity
Monday, 18 January 2010
Yesterday was a day filled with irony.
I joined the Trollhattan SAAB convoy from the SAAB Museum to the factory
The convoy was one of 36 yesterday to show the mighty GM the solidarity and support for the SAAB brand.
It really was amazing to see people having travelled from far and wide. Danmark,Norway and Finland were well represented
An estimated 1500 SAABS of all models,types. I would have put the figure higher.
As luck would have it I ended up towards the front of the convoy only because the convoy set off from various directions and my group was directed in such a way that we received a short cut.
It took two and a half hours for the stragglers to reach the factory wher by that time I was freezing my nuts off even though I had my winter blue and orange jacket with a big standard issue SAAB on the back.
Now for the irony
Yesterday was 11 years to the day since I started working at Saab.I came upon this noteworthy occasion as I was sitting in my car in the convoy. I hadn't thought about it prior to that.
Irony # 2
If there were 1500 SAAB's in the convoy with an average of 2 people in each car, ( and I am sure that they are both low estimates )then that did not represent the SAAB workforce ( 3400 ).
That being the case the total numbers should have been around 3500 cars and 7000 people. - Where was everybody on that cold and snowy Sunday afternoon !!!!
Is the apathy so great that SAAB workers could not show their feelings and solidarity for the cause.?- This is our jobs and our livelyhoods we are talking about.
With that said I met a number ( not a great number ) of colleagues past and present which was great.
Even some from our neighbours from down the road VOLVO:
What was interesting to see were the " important people " hovering.
Hovering not in the literal sense but you could see them growing for the cameras,standing in a place to be seen at the front facing the crowd.
Peter Backstrom who runs the museum as always did a tremendous job.
There is one guy who shows a deep passion and knowledge for SAAB.
Irony# 3
I did not see Ed Whitacre, Bob Lutz or any of the GM crowd - strange
Neither were the Swedish red / Green alliance representatives on hand. In fact they have been totally silent for many weeks. New games to play I guess
Today is the start of of a new week of uncertainty.
Will the axe fall today,tomorrow or Friday.
I am not so positive. This is all about determination. If as Mr. Whiticre appears to be you are DETERMINED to shutter the SAAB brand then you will do it.
Look at the Flint Michigan GM plant that was closed a few years ago THIRTY THOUSAND people YES 30000 !!! were out of a job without batting an eyelid.
Today Flint is a ghost town by comparrison.
What the hell do 3400 souls in a town named Trollhattan somewhere in Europe matter ( by the way it is not between Austria and Italy )
To Mr. Whitacre in means Zip,Zero nothing. And that takes me back to irony number # 2
Apparantly it does not mean so much to some of the 3400 SAAB workers either. Nor the local and national politicians or the shops,the people planning to sell there houses in the next year or so.
As self rightous as it is sounds and as I am, I can say that I was there on a cold windy snowy afternoon on a convoy in Trollhattan..........And it felt damn good !!!!
I joined the Trollhattan SAAB convoy from the SAAB Museum to the factory
The convoy was one of 36 yesterday to show the mighty GM the solidarity and support for the SAAB brand.
It really was amazing to see people having travelled from far and wide. Danmark,Norway and Finland were well represented
An estimated 1500 SAABS of all models,types. I would have put the figure higher.
As luck would have it I ended up towards the front of the convoy only because the convoy set off from various directions and my group was directed in such a way that we received a short cut.
It took two and a half hours for the stragglers to reach the factory wher by that time I was freezing my nuts off even though I had my winter blue and orange jacket with a big standard issue SAAB on the back.
Now for the irony
Yesterday was 11 years to the day since I started working at Saab.I came upon this noteworthy occasion as I was sitting in my car in the convoy. I hadn't thought about it prior to that.
Irony # 2
If there were 1500 SAAB's in the convoy with an average of 2 people in each car, ( and I am sure that they are both low estimates )then that did not represent the SAAB workforce ( 3400 ).
That being the case the total numbers should have been around 3500 cars and 7000 people. - Where was everybody on that cold and snowy Sunday afternoon !!!!
Is the apathy so great that SAAB workers could not show their feelings and solidarity for the cause.?- This is our jobs and our livelyhoods we are talking about.
With that said I met a number ( not a great number ) of colleagues past and present which was great.
Even some from our neighbours from down the road VOLVO:
What was interesting to see were the " important people " hovering.
Hovering not in the literal sense but you could see them growing for the cameras,standing in a place to be seen at the front facing the crowd.
Peter Backstrom who runs the museum as always did a tremendous job.
There is one guy who shows a deep passion and knowledge for SAAB.
Irony# 3
I did not see Ed Whitacre, Bob Lutz or any of the GM crowd - strange
Neither were the Swedish red / Green alliance representatives on hand. In fact they have been totally silent for many weeks. New games to play I guess
Today is the start of of a new week of uncertainty.
Will the axe fall today,tomorrow or Friday.
I am not so positive. This is all about determination. If as Mr. Whiticre appears to be you are DETERMINED to shutter the SAAB brand then you will do it.
Look at the Flint Michigan GM plant that was closed a few years ago THIRTY THOUSAND people YES 30000 !!! were out of a job without batting an eyelid.
Today Flint is a ghost town by comparrison.
What the hell do 3400 souls in a town named Trollhattan somewhere in Europe matter ( by the way it is not between Austria and Italy )
To Mr. Whitacre in means Zip,Zero nothing. And that takes me back to irony number # 2
Apparantly it does not mean so much to some of the 3400 SAAB workers either. Nor the local and national politicians or the shops,the people planning to sell there houses in the next year or so.
As self rightous as it is sounds and as I am, I can say that I was there on a cold windy snowy afternoon on a convoy in Trollhattan..........And it felt damn good !!!!
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Total silence
The press agencies have been so short on news surrounding Saab that they needed to quote the previous buyers as saying that they could have bought Saab fr 1 Skr.
If I had of known I would done it myself !!
Sunday 17th Jan there are a series of convoys around the world.
The Tollhättan convoy will meet at the SAAB museum which is only 3oo mtrs from where I live. I'll be there.
They then plan to drive in convoy to the SAAB plant.......COOL
I would have preferred it if they had done this on a weekday and stopped th liqudators getting in.
Today I asked to join a SAAB group on Linkedin. Not sure why but I felt solidarity somehow. It would be a real bummer ifthey turned me down !!!
Finally Steven Wade founder of Saabs-united.com - What a hero. A real Tasmanian tiger.
I have to take my hat off to him for pursuing such a crusade on our behalf.
Well informed and well listened to by both the media, Saab employees and those that comment on his site.
As I mentioned at the beginning - No news either from GM or Spycker / Genii / Merbanco. Is this actuallly a positive sign ?? - This is like waiting for the dentist and Christmas at the same time.
GM have already made the SAAB windown statement repeatedly so that is not what we are waiting for. Are they actually working out how to say SAAB is sold..Perish the thought
I have the browser tabs set for all the major agencies during the nigt with a little gadget that will alert me on my iPhone as soon as the news breaks.
Blogging feels pretty good again mostly for my own sanity
Footnote - If anyone out there thinks my spelling is crap ( which it is ) I have noticed that while using the blog the keyboard becomes unpredictable and misses letters and spaces which I need to go back and correct. If anyone has aslution fo this it would be very much appreciated.
Other than that sd of fr tody
The press agencies have been so short on news surrounding Saab that they needed to quote the previous buyers as saying that they could have bought Saab fr 1 Skr.
If I had of known I would done it myself !!
Sunday 17th Jan there are a series of convoys around the world.
The Tollhättan convoy will meet at the SAAB museum which is only 3oo mtrs from where I live. I'll be there.
They then plan to drive in convoy to the SAAB plant.......COOL
I would have preferred it if they had done this on a weekday and stopped th liqudators getting in.
Today I asked to join a SAAB group on Linkedin. Not sure why but I felt solidarity somehow. It would be a real bummer ifthey turned me down !!!
Finally Steven Wade founder of Saabs-united.com - What a hero. A real Tasmanian tiger.
I have to take my hat off to him for pursuing such a crusade on our behalf.
Well informed and well listened to by both the media, Saab employees and those that comment on his site.
As I mentioned at the beginning - No news either from GM or Spycker / Genii / Merbanco. Is this actuallly a positive sign ?? - This is like waiting for the dentist and Christmas at the same time.
GM have already made the SAAB windown statement repeatedly so that is not what we are waiting for. Are they actually working out how to say SAAB is sold..Perish the thought
I have the browser tabs set for all the major agencies during the nigt with a little gadget that will alert me on my iPhone as soon as the news breaks.
Blogging feels pretty good again mostly for my own sanity
Footnote - If anyone out there thinks my spelling is crap ( which it is ) I have noticed that while using the blog the keyboard becomes unpredictable and misses letters and spaces which I need to go back and correct. If anyone has aslution fo this it would be very much appreciated.
Other than that sd of fr tody
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
I needed a little therapy followng the last 4 weeks No pun intended.
I actually took a long sabatical during Christmas and to be honest I could not be "arsed" to blog. Sad but true
Having so much snow I did not have time anyway
Almost every morning digging out more snow 20cm a day for 5 days X 5mtrs wide and 120 mtrs long. Must work out the volume and mass at some point and how much energy I consumed .
Back to the SAAB thingy.
I would have used the word circus but they are generally speaking quit entertaining.
Farse is also not qute right.
What I am looking for is that one special word that describs a bunch of useless arrogant businessmen who having failed with their own company would rather ( maybe out of spite )close their own failure than see another succeed ( or maybe not )
In any event like most at Saab I want to see an end to this torture one way or another and move on.
I was part of a " manifestation" at Saab yesterday lunchtime.
Fo those who do not know what a manifesation is ( and I'm not sur I really do ) it is a symbolic gathering to show support or feelings for an issue.
In yesterdays event it was organized by the SAAB unions at short notice outside the main gate. Its purpose to show GM management and the world the felings of the SAAB workforce.
It seemed as though everyone at SAAB was there.
I was along way back and could not hear a word hat was said. I clapped when everyone else did to not only not look stupid (double negative )
Suddenly the crowd was turning towards me. It was all over within five minutes ( bit like sex I guess ) and everyone was returning back to their work place.
BIZZARE - much too peacful for me but very Swedish
The same day JAJ was replaced by the liquidator I am asahmed to say a BRIT
Today has bee a lot of thinking about plans B,C and whatever.
More on that later
I actually took a long sabatical during Christmas and to be honest I could not be "arsed" to blog. Sad but true
Having so much snow I did not have time anyway
Almost every morning digging out more snow 20cm a day for 5 days X 5mtrs wide and 120 mtrs long. Must work out the volume and mass at some point and how much energy I consumed .
Back to the SAAB thingy.
I would have used the word circus but they are generally speaking quit entertaining.
Farse is also not qute right.
What I am looking for is that one special word that describs a bunch of useless arrogant businessmen who having failed with their own company would rather ( maybe out of spite )close their own failure than see another succeed ( or maybe not )
In any event like most at Saab I want to see an end to this torture one way or another and move on.
I was part of a " manifestation" at Saab yesterday lunchtime.
Fo those who do not know what a manifesation is ( and I'm not sur I really do ) it is a symbolic gathering to show support or feelings for an issue.
In yesterdays event it was organized by the SAAB unions at short notice outside the main gate. Its purpose to show GM management and the world the felings of the SAAB workforce.
It seemed as though everyone at SAAB was there.
I was along way back and could not hear a word hat was said. I clapped when everyone else did to not only not look stupid (double negative )
Suddenly the crowd was turning towards me. It was all over within five minutes ( bit like sex I guess ) and everyone was returning back to their work place.
BIZZARE - much too peacful for me but very Swedish
The same day JAJ was replaced by the liquidator I am asahmed to say a BRIT
Today has bee a lot of thinking about plans B,C and whatever.
More on that later
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