Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Putting money where the mouth is

During the Magna deal with GM regarding OPEL both the Unions and the Opel dealer forum planned to take a sizable stake in the new company.

The Russian banks and Magna were in the forefrunt but the unions and dealers would play a significant role AND would have clout in the running of OPEL.

What do we have with SAAB........Zip !!

Where are the unions....Nowehere to be seen
The red / green alliance....totally silent !!!
Dealers...They send cakes and good wishes.

I for one have and will buy shares in the companies that I have worked for. Not part of a an option scheme but as part of both my own personal commitment to my company and having the opportunity however small to vote on the issues I care about.

It may sound naive but it is what I believe in and nobody can take that away from me.

I would challenge the unions and the dealers and anyone else who wants to get involved for that matter to put their money where their mouth is and support SAAB/ Spyker in buying a say in the company.

I for one will be there


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