Thursday, 21 January 2010

Genii still at the table ?

If I read the article published yesterday by Lars Carlström I would have to say that his comments are not consistent with a company still in negotiations with GM.

Purely my speculation however I do not believe that I have EVER read a more open criticism of the Swedish Press, Government and further open comments regarding GM's accounting practices contributing to Saab's losses over the years.
He goes further to heavily point the finger of responsibility for Saab's bad press at the pundits,analysts and press in general.

It saddens me to say that I have found this to be the case in Sweden.
Saab has ALWAYS received negative press when compared to VOLVO and I have absolutely no idea why this should be the case.
A similar analogy can be made between Stockholm and Gothenburg. Stockholmers do not give a damn if the auto industry dies or gets flat packed and shipped to China....Because they are not affected. That is the same with SAAB. If the guy down the road is not DIRECTLY affected he does not give a damn. On the contrary he will post a comment on an article WILLING that SAAB will be closed.
I know that I have mentioned this before but it would NOT happen in Spain,France Germany,Italy or even Belgium for that matter.
It would however happen in the UK where the auto industry has been decimated due to poor management and disastrous political decisions over the years.
Incidentally in the 1920'2 - 1930's in Coventry which was the heart of the UK auto industry there were 86 separate vehicle manufacturers.

An article in Dagens Industry this morning highlighted that the Vovo / Ford / Geely negotiations were not as far along the road as had been claimed by all parties.There seemed to be serious concerns over IP's and control. Fundamentals in my book. It will be interesting to see how that one unfolds.

Hummer is as quiet as SAAB - and has been for some time while awaiting Chinese state approval.
When buying a house you do not go out agree the deal,sign the contract and put down the deposit without talking to the bank. Why should the auto industry be any different ??

Enough said.

One day at a time and still optimistic I have the news feeds on standby

And by the way well done Lars Carlström.

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