Monday, 18 January 2010

Yesterday was a day filled with irony.

I joined the Trollhattan SAAB convoy from the SAAB Museum to the factory

The convoy was one of 36 yesterday to show the mighty GM the solidarity and support for the SAAB brand.
It really was amazing to see people having travelled from far and wide. Danmark,Norway and Finland were well represented

An estimated 1500 SAABS of all models,types. I would have put the figure higher.

As luck would have it I ended up towards the front of the convoy only because the convoy set off from various directions and my group was directed in such a way that we received a short cut.
It took two and a half hours for the stragglers to reach the factory wher by that time I was freezing my nuts off even though I had my winter blue and orange jacket with a big standard issue SAAB on the back.

Now for the irony

Yesterday was 11 years to the day since I started working at Saab.I came upon this noteworthy occasion as I was sitting in my car in the convoy. I hadn't thought about it prior to that.

Irony # 2
If there were 1500 SAAB's in the convoy with an average of 2 people in each car, ( and I am sure that they are both low estimates )then that did not represent the SAAB workforce ( 3400 ).
That being the case the total numbers should have been around 3500 cars and 7000 people. - Where was everybody on that cold and snowy Sunday afternoon !!!!
Is the apathy so great that SAAB workers could not show their feelings and solidarity for the cause.?- This is our jobs and our livelyhoods we are talking about.
With that said I met a number ( not a great number ) of colleagues past and present which was great.
Even some from our neighbours from down the road VOLVO:

What was interesting to see were the " important people " hovering.

Hovering not in the literal sense but you could see them growing for the cameras,standing in a place to be seen at the front facing the crowd.
Peter Backstrom who runs the museum as always did a tremendous job.
There is one guy who shows a deep passion and knowledge for SAAB.

Irony# 3

I did not see Ed Whitacre, Bob Lutz or any of the GM crowd - strange
Neither were the Swedish red / Green alliance representatives on hand. In fact they have been totally silent for many weeks. New games to play I guess

Today is the start of of a new week of uncertainty.
Will the axe fall today,tomorrow or Friday.
I am not so positive. This is all about determination. If as Mr. Whiticre appears to be you are DETERMINED to shutter the SAAB brand then you will do it.

Look at the Flint Michigan GM plant that was closed a few years ago THIRTY THOUSAND people YES 30000 !!! were out of a job without batting an eyelid.

Today Flint is a ghost town by comparrison.

What the hell do 3400 souls in a town named Trollhattan somewhere in Europe matter ( by the way it is not between Austria and Italy )

To Mr. Whitacre in means Zip,Zero nothing. And that takes me back to irony number # 2

Apparantly it does not mean so much to some of the 3400 SAAB workers either. Nor the local and national politicians or the shops,the people planning to sell there houses in the next year or so.

As self rightous as it is sounds and as I am, I can say that I was there on a cold windy snowy afternoon on a convoy in Trollhattan..........And it felt damn good !!!!


  1. Great Blog!

    I understand your 'irony' (or should I say some 'frustration'?) on lack of real involvement of others, but think on the positive side about the thousands of cars and Saab fans accross the world that have spoken out. Loudly! Supporting your cars, your plant and your colleagues...

    I was at the Dutch convoy, and indeed, it felt damn good!!! Really proud to drive Saab!

  2. Hej!
    I was part of the Holland convoy and was amazed by the enthousiasm that in such short time a big event like that was made possible, only one thing can arrange that: passion.
    Maybey we tend to forget what it's like for you Saab workers to cope with uncertainty. Alltough I did write an email to mr Ed to keep in mind all those loyal workers who got up early and tried their best to make a profit for him day after day, I don't know what difference an action like that will make but be aware that those things you and you co-workers must go trough right now isn't un-noticed, I and I'm sure many people here in Holland are thinking of you guys!
    Keep up the good work and greetings from Holland! Bob

  3. Also, I was in this Dutch convoy.

    I hope it shows Trollhattan and especially the Saab people we DO believe in them and that we all DO hope that Saab will go on producing the cars with a heart.

    Next to that, the convoy was (amont other things) FOR them. We drove to support Saab. Hope they all enjoyed it looking to the news on tv and internet. Griffin Up and we're thinking about Saab constantly.

  4. Thanks for your comments .It feels great that somebody took the time !!
    As I have mentioned before, there can be few brands IF ANY that inspire so much passion in people around the world.
    Today is a great day

    Stay tuned

