Monday, 25 January 2010

The SAAB Community and a great weekend

At first glance the titles are not linked but indeed odly enough they are.

First to the weekend which as I mentioned on Friday was my birthday weekend .

My wife had farmed out the kids and the dogs ( 3 of each ) and took me to a surprise spa weekend atVarberg a resort on the south west Swedish coast.
( Thankyou Lena it was wonderful !! )

I can most definately recommend it.

A couple of very relaxing treatments later combined with saunas, etc. great food and drink ( you know the type of thing ) I returned home having not read a newspaper looked at TV or logged into mail.
I was news-less and totally relaxed.
It was not only the spa treatment but the resolute refusal to think or worry about SAAB and the future.

Naturally as soon as I returned hope on went the computer scanning for the latest ...........Shame on me !!

That takes me to the " SAAB Community "

I logged into mail both private and SAAB's and was absolutly astounded that I had received birthday greetings both from old freinds and past colleagues but also people who I had never met and am not likely to. An enormous amount. For which I am extremely apreciative.
Thankyou very much indeed.

The reason that I highlighted this is that the main thread in the greetings were " fingers crossed " and " good luck "

Was the meaning fingers crossed and good luck that I would survive my birthday.
Of course not it was for SAAB, that the iconic brand itself had created a common cause ..a community.........The SAAB community.......My Community

News this morning is so positive that the champagne is getting colder. Lets wait and see shall we.

Rumour has it that a Spyker car was spotted at the museum yesterday.

Both Spyker and GM are in Stockholm.

Today I am going to keep my fingers crossed and figure out the subject matter for the next blog. Clearly it can be nothing to do with saving SAAB.......If the deal goes through.


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