Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Dynamic leadership - This has not been the case in the last 20 years under GM.

We have had a steady flow of new CEO's from GM over the years, each one tasked with fixing the " Saab problem ". Each one has failed.
In most cases the CEO's have been reassigned to bigger and better things - Why ?

Is it something about the GM culture - Fail = Climb one step up the ladder ?

One CEO did end up in Russia. He must have been threatening to show break even in the accounts, or even worse make a profit !!

Then there was Peter Augustsson. - A well liked and well respected Swedish national who never had a chance. The constraints of the GM systems, philosophy, culture and indeed accounting practices secured hie eventual downfall.

Eventually GM tired of playing the game. All the GM folk went home or to Russelsheim to see if they could fix other problems.

In any event Saab was NEVER going to win !! and hence the constant media and analyst comments that Saab have made 20 years of losses. IT WAS NEVER MEANT TO MAKE A PROFIT !!!

This takes me to the latest in CEO's - Jan Åke Jonsson -

Jan-Åke really is a TRUE CEO the like of which has not been seen in 20 years at Saab.

He has worked tirelessy to steer the company during 2009. Taking decisions and risk, managing and conserving cash.

Last week on returning from the GM board meeting in Detroit he was greeted by HUNDREDS of Saab employees as he drove towards his office.
The welcome was a show of both gratitude and respect the like of which has not been seen before at Saab.

If this is the leadership that awaits in a future Saab state then I like most would welcome the opportunity to be part of that company.

Time to start my engines and we will see what another day in paradise brings

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