Wednesday 23 February 2011

One Year on = Independence Day

Interesting that I äm posting exactly one year to the day that Saab became an independent vehicle manufacturer " Independence day " as it is known here at Saab.

A lot has happened in the last year as SAAB strives to come back into the market and meet the goals.
We had the launch of the new 9-5 last summer and it was great to see so many loyal Saab dealers at the launch events which lasted for around 6 weeks.

The event itself was seriously impressive in a kind of quaint Saabish way. Not Spain,Monaco or the south of France as has happened in the past with most vehicle manufactures with bundles of cash......but Trollhättan where else.

A tent in the middle of the test track ( which in fact blew down one stormy summer night and damaged one of the cars.)

The dealer event was split into five workshops
Following a 2 hour test drive on a predetermined route, the dealers from around the world and VIP's ( Yes we had a few of those too ) assembled to first watch the guys of the Saab Performance Team perform their manouvers and tricks at amazing speeds.

The groups were then divided to experience Ride & handling,Infotainment, crash & safety One that I cant remember and my own accessory area.
The products that we had been developing during the turbulent 2-3 years were proudly presented . It was truly GREAT . Low key,sincere and very SAAB.

Production started and as has been repeatedly reported was hampered by suppliers including GM not delivering. Not what we wanted.
Sales targets were missed and there is a strong focus on cashflow as there should be in any company.

Then came the 9-4X A good looking Crossover...........Pity about the diesel.

Today as we celebrate "Independence Day" ( A good film by the way )